Month: October 2009

a mighty fortress

You might know of Martin Luther as the father of the Reformation and that he translated the whole Bible into German. But what is less known is that Luther was also a composer of 37 hymns. His best-known hymn, “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God,” is also called “The Battle Hymn of the Reformation.” There are at least 70 different…

what's in a name?

"What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” mused Juliet in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.

It’s evident that Juliet was not Hebrew. For the people of ancient Israel felt that the meaning behind a person’s name was vitally important. Parents carefully chose a name based on the personality, characteristics, or character…

resisting the boot

British builder Ian Taylor tried to make a point by sawing his Ford Fiesta in half after parking officers “booted” the car. It was parked a measly 2 inches over the line, and he would have had to fork over $400 to free the $100 car he planned to give to his stepson.

In case you’re siding with this guy,…


With the advent of cell phones, texting, and online chat, an abbreviated form of language has emerged. Texters and chatters regularly communicate with shortcuts like “lol” (laugh out loud) or “idk” (I don’t know).

For the most part, these abbreviations are harmless. One popular shortcut, however, is truly offensive to believers in Jesus—“omg.” The most common meaning given to this…

dealing with dragons

The bumper sticker on the road-worn Saab in front of me caused me to laugh out loud.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for you are crunchy, and good with ketchup.

The owner of that car has a great sense of humor. But the saying presents a profound truth: Don’t tangle with those who have the potential to devour…

yielded and still

Adelaide Pollard, born in 1862 in the US, had faithfully served God for many years through her gifts of teaching and writing. Her longtime desire, however, was to be a missionary in Africa. Finally the details were worked out and she was ready to set sail. But then, unexpectedly, she was forced to cancel her plans. Not being able to…

October 15, 2009

What book have you read recently that has challenged you to live your life in a more Christlike way?

do I love?

In the 1940s, Fred Craddock began serving as a missionary to India. When World War II ended, Craddock’s church wired him funds for a steamer ticket to return home. Arriving in his port of departure on Christmas day, Craddock discovered a disturbing sight. A ship of German-Jewish refugees had been allowed to temporarily dock, and these exiles had been stuffed…

the hardest thing

In the US presidential election of 2000, Senator John McCain lost his momentum and ultimately his party’s nomination when someone spread rumors that he had fathered a bi-racial child out of wedlock. Besides its overt racism, the slander was particularly despicable because the child in question was a handicapped orphan that John and his wife Cindy had adopted from Bangladesh.…

stress in God's service

I came across this poem yesterday while working on a church session.

Microsoft Word - stress in God's service.doc

Specially dedicated to all of  you out there who are busy in His service. :)

deep waters, dark nights

In the film The Perfect Storm, a captain and crew head out for what they hope will be an uneventful fishing expedition. In their quest for a bountiful catch, they motor far past their normal fishing location. There they find great success, but as they turn for home they encounter the horrifying combination of two powerful weather fronts and a hurricane.…

gentle answers

Feeling anger emanating from every place inside me, I reached in the drawer for a folder and slammed it on the desk. The loud noise satisfied my irritation, but only for a moment. My frustration only deepened as I realized how emotionally intense I had become. All because of my daughter’s grade school party.

Disappointed that she was going to miss…

the garden city

Singapore is a tiny tropical island of just under 640 square kilometers. Despite its soaring skyscrapers, it remains one of the cleanest and greenest cities in the world. Visitors find out quickly why Singapore is known as the Garden City of the Tropics. East Coast Parkway, the road from the airport to the city center, is sheltered by a tree…

satisfying life

"There is probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.”

That message began appearing on the sides of London’s red buses last fall, courtesy of a group comprised of self-proclaimed atheists and secular humanists. They raised more than $113,000 for the ad campaign. It’s interesting to note, however, that some believers in Jesus also contributed to the project.…

typhoon-tested faith

The following message was received from an RBC Ministries' (the ministry that birthed ODJ) colleague who lives in the Philippines: typhoon_ondoy15

"I would like to thank all of you for your prayers for us during the Typhoon Ondoy last September 26, 2009 (Saturday). Metro Manila and nearby areas were devastated by typhoon Ondoy. I didn’t expect the things that happened to…

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